The Best Apple Cake

Posted on September 23 2018

Apple cake, award winning dessert, fall favorites, baking with apples

Fall is for sure my favorite season, not only because it’s my birthday, but it’s such a colorful, flavorful, and comforting season! The beautiful colors, smells, and tastes have me pulling out my sweaters on September first, no joke! My boys love all the family traditions that happen in the fall too, apple picking, the fair, pumpkin patch! But to my husband fall means Apple cake! This cake is so moist, with classic fall flavors of cinnamon and ginger, and you can add walnuts if you like (I like!, but my kids don’t!)

Many friends and even strangers have requested this recipe and it’s won countless bake-offs. It’s a winner, and I’m finally making it available to everyone!

VERY IMPORTANT- how big (or small) you cut your apples will greatly affect how delicious this cake turns out so please follow the pics! I have tried many different ways and this way is best, trust me!


The ingredients at a glance

Cut apple into quarters, Cut quarters into thirds (lengthwise), Cut thirds into fourths (widthwise)

Apples get dumped into a giant bowl (you need this to mix well)

Then add the (premixed) dry ingredients, Add melted butter, Add lightly beaten eggs, then mix mix mix so there is no dry ingredients just apples coated in a wet batter

This is how my pans looked going into the oven, lots of apples with a bit of batter holding everything together

Once everything cools, dust with powder sugar

The finished cake is so good! Let me know how it turns out for you!


1 comment

  • Julie O: June 01, 2020

    OMG! You have your famous apple cake recipe here!!!! It is sooo good! Thanks for posting!!

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